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ॲक्सेसिबिलीटी टूल्स
रंग समायोजन
टेक्स्ट साइझ
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29 जानेवारी 2023 रोजी होणाऱ्या पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदींच्या मन की बात साठी कल्पना पाठवा

29 जानेवारी 2023 रोजी होणाऱ्या पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदींच्या मन की बात साठी कल्पना पाठवा
सुरुवातीची तारीख:
Jan 03, 2023
शेवटची तारीख:
Jan 27, 2023
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
सबमिशन बंद झाले

पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी आपल्यासाठी महत्वाच्या विषयांवर आणि मुद्द्यांवर आपले विचार मांडण्यासाठी उत्सुक आहेत. मन की बातच्या 97व्या भागामध्ये पंतप्रधानांनी कोणत्या विषयावर बोलले पाहिजे ...

पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी आपल्यासाठी महत्वाच्या विषयांवर आणि मुद्द्यांवर आपले विचार मांडण्यासाठी उत्सुक आहेत. मन की बातच्या 97व्या भागामध्ये पंतप्रधानांनी कोणत्या विषयावर बोलले पाहिजे या बाबत आपले विचार शेअर करण्याचे आवाहन केले आहे.

'मन की बात' च्या येत्या भागात पंतप्रधानांनी ज्या विषयांवर किंवा मुद्द्यांवर बोलावे असे आपल्याला वाटते असे विषय आम्हाला पाठवा. या खुल्या मंचावर आपले मत व्यक्त करा किंवा पर्याय म्हणून आपण 1800-11-7800 हा टोल फ्री क्रमांक देखील डायल करू शकता आणि पंतप्रधानांसाठी हिंदी किंवा इंग्रजीमध्ये आपला संदेश नोंदवू शकता. रेकॉर्ड केलेले काही संदेश प्रसारणाचा भाग बनू शकतात.

तुम्ही 1922 वर मिस कॉल देखील करू शकता आणि SMS द्वारा प्राप्त झालेल्या लिंकला फॉलो करून थेट पंतप्रधानांपर्यंत तुमच्या सूचना पाठवू शकता.

आणि 29 जानेवारी, 2023 रोजी सकाळी 11 वाजता 'मन की बात' कार्यक्रमात सहभागी व्हा.

Showing 3987 Submission(s)
Rakesh gupta_336
Rakesh gupta 1 year 8 months ago

this is friend request for you all if interested please accept it, my what's app no. is 9991588551 panipat haryana. and say hello and introduction.

I will happy to join a great group of friends.

Rakesh Gupta
change maker

Anil Chaudhry_1
Anil Chaudhry 1 year 8 months ago

Good Evening Modi Ji

my suggestion to reduce the burden of pension on the exchequer, for example if a pensioner is working again and earning more than the monthly pension from GOI, then his/her pension should stop as they dont need support from GOI and are capable of earning from the market, else they must give the jobs to provide this opportunity to another unemployed youth.

the TDS deposited every month by employer can be easy source to find that pensioner is earning more than from priavte sector employment. hence it can be worked out by artificial intelligence too.

thanks and regards


Sanjay Parakkel 1 year 8 months ago

what are some ideas for Mann Ki Baat and what are some pratical linking points to japanese culture

1. Encouraging people to take up the mission of 'Swachh Bharat' and promote cleanliness in their respective communities.

2. Promoting health and wellness among the citizens of India by encouraging regular exercise, healthy eating habits and lifestyle changes.

3. Launching campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of girl child education.

4. Raising awareness about the importance of financial literacy and the benefits of financial planning.

5. Urging people to take up volunteer activities and contribute to the betterment of their local communities.

6. Emphasizing the importance of digital literacy among India’s youth, and the need to equip them with the right skills to succeed in the 21st century.

8. Discussing the need to promote tolerance, understanding and respect between different religious

Vinayaka VM 1 year 8 months ago

Sir tell or suggest the Municipal corporations and Municipalities to remove differentiation between commercial property and residential property. If commercial buildings taxes are at par with residential buildings. It encourages home and small scale industries. If no difference is there between commercial and residential buildings people work at home and earn for India. It will be boosting Indian economy.

amitkakkar 1 year 8 months ago

Hon'ble PM Sir,
I am a media professional and a lecturer (mass communications) and author of DECODING M..E.D.I.A
With Your blessings, I have trained special needs persons in the field of media and turned them into "SPECIAL" journalists in UAE basis which I have been awarded with prestigious Golden Visa by the UAE authorities. Sir, there is so much that can be done for Divyang people who are more than 25 years of age but sadly till today these people at many places are termed as MAD (it is a harsh reality faced by me in INDIA at many places ) and their parents live in guilt and regret for their entire life which is not required. Sir, I am a resident of Uttarakhand , currently in UAE and would urge You to encourage the Indian society to come forward and pass on their skills to special needs persons ( they are called as PEOPLE OF DETERMINATION in UAE and they have the first preference over others in the society and are never treated as MAD). Regards. Amit

Rana Jaimin
Jaimin Rohitkumar Rana 1 year 8 months ago

Hello Sir,

Due to development and other construction projects, agriculture lands are reduce as compare to past 30-40 years.

Can we do/plant a useful plants in road sides, by doing these we can produce more vegitables or fruits and we can help our poor people.

(For example " In Dubai,UAE on each and every main road side there is a Palm / Dats (Khajoor) tree, by doing these UAE become more producer dates(khajoor) and export them.

Thank You
Jaimin Rana
(+91 95373 98104)

GAURAVMAURYA 1 year 8 months ago


akshaygosai 1 year 8 months ago

Subject = Difference between 1 day week off vs 2 days week off , and how we can create Jobs by applying 2 days week off schedule.

Respected Ma'am/Sir,

I am having a theory proving how we can make 14.28..% more jobs available in many government sectors by giving 2 days weekoff instead of 1 day and it will be helping in development of India and other developing nations so far. I need your guidance to make this executable.

I am sending a file and a video regarding the same.I want that department represent this idea to honourable PM . Please do have a look at it.
Thanking you for your concern and support.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Akshay Gosai
Contact no - 8200215679


I am looking forward on this innovative idea of sustainable development and creating jobs.

Rashmi priya 1 year 8 months ago

1. It has been observed that till the dates underprivileges / poor people of our country grossly dependent on local money lenders to meet their financial needs and cheated visive they deposit their hard earned money with unauthorized agencies/ agent.
Through, Jandhan Jyojna initiative has taken to open the bank account for all bot its half done in reality.

Suggest, to caution the citizen once again to avoid such shortcut practices and advice to report such incident with local administration.
2 .We jointly has to work a lot to create awareness in this area.2 Give each family of 6 members including parents a pension of Rs 10000/- for 2 years .
.3 In this period Govt must select nearby suitable place in nearby stable place and build them small 2 bed room houses and give them with clear undertaking that they will not alter the terrain or structure for minimum period of 10 years .